Errors and Discomfort Back

These are two inevitable words in any project of this nature. And fortunately so, as they constitute essential components that induce changes in existing dynamics. There were situations, however, where errors made and discomfort generated led to significant questioning. The project carries this in its history, much like any collective life. The initial discomforts arose in the clash between our Portuguese culture and the migrant participant's cultures. It took time for the team to feel at ease in dance, creation, and being a feminine team among men whose stories were unknown. Naturally, this feeling was dissipated by the relationship that took its place. There was fear mixed with prejudices naturally. The fear of the other and the others' world will only pass with time that will do its work. Currently, the team feels at home in Nepalese families, among men from Punjab and Sikh temples. In the first BOWING performance, teenagers (especially the girls) complained that they were mistreated by some adults who were also participating. They were insulted, provoked, and even physically attacked. As they spoke Hindi and Punjabi among themselves, the team was unaware of this dynamic until, one by one, the young ones started dropping out of the project days before the premiere. We then went to their schools, talked to them, and understood what was happening. We spoke to the involved men and asked them to refrain from returning to rehearsals. All the teenagers came back and participated in the performance. Certain Punjab families bring with them ancient cultural rivalries, suddenly finding themselves living in Alentejo just a few kilometres apart. These tensions also occurred within the project. In the first rehearsal for the BOWING performance, the famous Night of Babylon, several families came with babies, children, and women, and several intoxicated men also appeared. Faced with this scenario, the women did not return to rehearsals; that year, they did not join the cast. Even the following year, their participation was difficult, remaining unresolved and significant. BOWING was a project that overwhelmed our lives, erasing the boundaries between work, personal relationships, and affection. It was a life on its own. This was also noticeable among the team—professional relationships turned into friendships, romances, and deep bonds with the participants, but also sorrows, mistakes, and sensitive areas of proximity and distance. This project's complexity mirrors life's complexity, with all its errors, discomforts, and miracles. Time continues to work.

Errors and Discomfort
Errors and Discomfort
Errors and Discomfort