Marie-Agnès Then and Carmen Cavalcanti developed, over three days, Tenchi Tessen workshops with the participant groups. Tenchi Tessen is an art of movement that bridges East and West through the Breath, originating from Aikido and Sabre practices. In this practice a fan is used. This is Marie-Agnès' testimony of those:
" BOWING, memories of Tenchi Tessen... deep gazes narrate the landscapes of their distant past, infinite smiles invite humanity like scents in the wind of the gesture tales and sprinkled mythologies what beautiful personalities, unforgettable and transformative encounters in this exploration of the Art of Tenchi Tessen, sometimes there were hesitations or even, rarely, reluctances, which suddenly metamorphosed into a rainbow of liberation and transformed us all! the fan is the tip of the mighty and volatile iceberg of intention in the spiraled breath of the gesture there were these innate gestures, those that inhabit what they convey with such force that the truths of the world emerge in our consciousness what an experience ...BOWING..."