Max DahalBack

Max Dahal

Max is nepalese and lives in Boavista dos Pinheiros, next to greenhouses and cultivated fields. We met in the Aldi parking lot. He had gone shopping and asked why a group of nepalese men was getting into Matilde's car. She explained the project and Max also got into the car with two shopping bags. After that night he returned many times. He accompanied the second year, quickly learning Portuguese, and then went back to Nepal. When he returned, several months later, he had gotten married. His wife still hopes to be able to travel to Portugal while he prepares the house and life to welcome her. There were great moments of complicity with Max, inside his house, in our car, throughout the sessions. We started speaking more and more Portuguese, beyond "good morning" and "good afternoon," trying to answer questions like "what is the meaning of life?" "what is real?" "where are we going?" Max always replied: "forward!"