My relationship with Bowing stems from accompanying this project as part of the PARTIS & Art for Change initiative organised by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the "la Caixa" Foundation. Bowing was not "just" another important and necessary participatory art project that seeks to contribute to fuller, happier, and fairer lives for a migrant community facing situations of human exploitation and social exclusion. Bowing is the strengthened power of listening, availability, curiosity, and respect for others. Bowing gets under our skin and makes us resonate, question, and discover other ways of being us with others, of being a community without speaking a common language. You can't get to know Bowing without trying it on your body, without smelling it, without walking the streets of São Teotónio and Odemira with it and feeling the human and creative tsunami taking over the place. Bowing is also about looking at the many challenges and difficulties of Odemira's immigrant community and not running away, but being there, being part of the reality and wanting to contribute to improving it. Bowing is the desire that true and shared experiences can unite and strengthen us, and it's the certainty that art and creativity are a place for meeting and for freedom. May the sharing of this experience on the Bowing DOC website be inspiration and strength for the road ahead.