Rémi GalletBack

Rémi Gallet

"Initially, as a collaborator of the Cultural Cooperative Lavrar o Mar, I witnessed the birth of Madalena Victorino's ideas regarding the necessity for this territory to embrace such a project. Later, as a musician invited by André Duarte for the first performance, I became involved in the final stages, taking on a dual role as both a musician and a technician due to the logistical complexity of the performance. Subsequently, I took on the role of a parent, bringing my daughters to participate in the second performance. Therefore, I can say that I remained connected to the project from beginning to end, and I am still deeply engaged with the connections that BOWING has fostered and its diversity. I got to know many of the participants and established genuine relationships through Lavrar o Mar, music, and family, identifying myself and fully committing. I remember conversations and music-sharing during car rides. I recall my daughters asking where Nepal is because they have friends from there or returning from a rehearsal with a bracelet given by people from the group. I remember the curious looks when I played Indian music on the saxophone and the interest in the instrument, an entire audience with closed eyes meditating. I recall changing my perspective on neighbors who left early in the morning and returned only at night. I remember my son commenting on the immense joy he felt in the BOWING teenage groups, a happiness he didn't experience with his other friends."