Teresa TeófiloBack

"I am Teresa Teófilo, recently arrived in Odemira. A teacher in search of a new social construction of learning. A traveler with a preference for the southern hemisphere. Committed to lending a hand for a better world. I joined the BOWING project out of curiosity for oriental dances (from India and Nepal) and a possible connection with contemporary dance. Also because a friend insisted that I should simply show up at the rehearsal meetings. I ended up staying, even if only for the last two months, and participated in various group moments of the final performance. It was the rehearsal meetings that surprised and captivated me. Feeling how the team (dance, music, theater, cultural production professionals) created a space to get to know each other, where we learned the names and stories of foreign people whose faces were until then undifferentiated, was very rewarding. This confirmed the importance and urgency of closeness among all of us. This has been the most significant experience for me: the encounter with so many diverse people, where everyone's talents manifested themselves, through the gentle and precise guidance of the BOWING team. Proximity, sharing, and unity through art make us more humanized and complete. A multidisciplinary and transcultural project of great impact (I believe) within the local community. These community participation projects are undoubtedly a path to consolidate and strengthen multicultural territories."