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Needs and WantsBack

Throughout May and June 2023, we developed Portuguese language support labs with two teenagers: Arshpreet Kaur and Daniel Wang. The sessions took place after school, with activities related to Portuguese through movement, theater, writing and drawing, Focusing on their needs and wants. These sessions supported the PLNM (Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue) exams, using a playful approach to the relevant subject. The activities were adapted to the abilities of each one, trying to establish common ground. We explored exercises of free association of words and thoughts around the curricular subjects. These sessions culminated in Daniel visiting Arhspreet's home.

After two years with Arshpreet and Daniel, we witnessed the two teenagers developing a solid relationship of complicity and friendship despite not speaking any common language. This relationship has been strengthened and developed through their learning of Portuguese. Daniel began to ask for the meaning of words, playing with sentences and there was a closeness and physical disinhibition with us. As for Arshpreet, who already speaks Portuguese very well, language was used as a tool for imagination - which she does with increasing ease.