Collage MadnessBack

In the Municipal Market of Odemira, over two afternoons, a group of migrant men and women cut out small pieces of newspapers and magazines. Chatting with the door open to the street and music in the background. They glued the cut-outs onto coloured cardboard circles of various sizes. We came up with a total of 42 imaginary planets. A few weeks later, the group went to Max Dahal's house, a Nepalese man who lives in Boavista dos Pinheiros. We asked if we could decorate the interior with this 'Solar System' of collages. Max lives alone in a small, dark building next to a greenhouse, and he invited us in.

During the BOWING project, it was long before the team entered someone's home for the first time. Relationships were hesitant on both sides. Over the years, we have become increasingly familiar with home interiors. Although it was a small action, we feel we all contributed to a change of atmosphere in Max's house.